Upon the end of each block the following operations are performed to the state of the module
1. Slashing
Validator slashing
A validator is slashed for not signing over a valset update which passed the SignedValsetsWindow
. In other words, if a validator fails to provide the confirmation for a valset update within a preconfigured amount of time, they will be slashed for SlashFractionValset
portion of their stake and get jailed immediately.
Batch Slashing
A validator is slashed for not signing over a batch which passed the SignedBatchesWindow
. In other words, if a validator fails to provide the confirmation for a batch within a preconfigured amount of time, they will be slashed for SlashFractionBatch
portion of their stake and get jailed immediately.
2. Cancelling timed out batches
Any batch still present in the Outgoing Batch pool
whose BatchTimeout
(a designated Ethereum height by which the batch should have executed) is exceeded gets removed from the pool and the withdrawals are reinserted back into the Outgoing Tx pool
3. Creating new Valset updates
A new Validator Set
update will be created automatically when:
there is a power diff greater than 5% between the latest and current validator set
a validator begins unbonding
The new validator set is eventually relayed to Peggy contract
on Ethereum.
4. Pruning old validator sets
Previously observed valsets that passed the SignedValsetsWindow
are removed from the state
5. Attestation processing
Processes all attestations (an aggregate of claims for a particular event) currently being voted on. Each attestation is processed one by one to ensure each Peggy contract
event is processed. After each processed attestation the module's lastObservedEventNonce
and lastObservedEthereumBlockHeight
are updated.
Depending on the type of claim in the attestation, the following is executed:
: deposited tokens are minted/unlocked for the receiver addressMsgWithdrawClaim
: corresponding batch is removed from the outgoing pool and any previous batch is cancelledMsgValsetUpdatedClaim
: the module'sLastObservedValset
is updatedMsgERC20DeployedClaim
: new token metadata is validated and registered within the module's state (denom <-> token_contract
6. Cleaning up processed attestations
Previously processed attestations (height earlier that lastObservedEthereumBlockHeight
) are removed from the module state
Last updated