Last updated
Last updated
Band Oracle privileges can be granted to Relayer accounts of Band provider through a GrantBandOraclePrivilegeProposal
Band Oracle privileges can be revoked from Relayer accounts of Band provider through a RevokeBandOraclePrivilegeProposal
Price feeder privileges for a given base quote pair can be issued to relayers through a GrantPriceFeederPrivilegeProposal
Price feeder privileges can be revoked from Relayer accounts through a RevokePriceFeederPrivilegeProposal
This proposal is to add a band oracle request into the list. When this is accepted, injective chain fetches one more price info from bandchain.
This proposal is used for deleting a request or updating the request. When DeleteRequestId
is not zero, it deletes the request with the id and finish its execution. When DeleteRequestId
is zero, it update the request with id UpdateOracleRequest.RequestId
to UpdateOracleRequest.
This proposal is to enable IBC connection between Band chain and Injective chain. When the proposal is approved, it updates the BandIBCParams into newer one configured on the proposal.
Stork Publisher privileges can be granted from Publishers through a GrantStorkPublisherPrivilegeProposal
Stork Publisher privileges can be revoked from Publishers through a RevokeStorkPublisherPrivilegeProposal
The details of BandIBCParams
, can be checked at