Local Development

This guide will get you started deploying cw20 smart contracts on a local Injective network running on your computer.

We'll use the cw20-base contract from CosmWasm's collection of specifications and contracts designed for production use on real networks. cw20-base is a basic implementation of a cw20 compatible contract that can be imported in any custom contract you want to build on. It contains a straightforward but complete implementation of the cw20 spec along with all extensions. cw20-base can be deployed as-is or imported by other contracts.


Install Go, Rust, and other Cosmwasm dependencies by following the instructions:

Before starting, make sure you have rustup along with recent versions of rustc and cargo installed. Currently, we are testing on Rust v1.58.1+.

You also need to have the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed as well as the cargo-generate Rust crate.

You can check versions via the following commands:

rustc --version
cargo --version
rustup target list --installed
# if wasm32 is not listed above, run this
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
# to install cargo-generate, run this
cargo install cargo-generate


Make sure you have injectived installed locally. You can follow the Install injectivedguide to get injectived and other prerequisites running locally.

Once you have injectived installed, you should also start a local chain instance.

Compile CosmWasm Contracts

In this step, we will get all CW production template contracts and compile them using the CosmWasm Rust Optimizer Docker image for compiling multiple contracts (called workspace-optimizer)—see here (x86) or here (ARM) for latest versions. This process may take a bit of time and CPU power.

git clone https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-plus
cd cw-plus

Non ARM (Non-Apple silicon) devices:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

Alternatively for Apple Silicon devices (M1, M2, etc.) please use:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

The docker script builds and optimizes all the CW contracts in the repo, with the compiled contracts located under the artifacts directory. Now we can deploy the cw20_base.wasm contract (cw20_base-aarch64.wasm if compiled on an ARM device).

Upload the CosmWasm Contract to the Chain

# inside the CosmWasm/cw-plus repo 
yes 12345678 | injectived tx wasm store artifacts/cw20_base.wasm --from=genesis --chain-id="injective-1" --yes --gas-prices=500000000inj --gas=20000000


code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 4CFB63A47570C4CFBE8E669273B26BEF6EAFF922C07480CA42180C52219CE784

Then query the transaction by the txhash to verify the contract was indeed deployed.

injectived query tx 4CFB63A47570C4CFBE8E669273B26BEF6EAFF922C07480CA42180C52219CE784


code: 0
codespace: ""
data: 0A460A1E2F636F736D7761736D2E7761736D2E76312E4D736753746F7265436F64651224080112205F8201CF5E2D7E6C15DB11ADF03D62DDDDC92B8D4FAE98C4F3C1C37F378E15D9
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204LzE=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
    value: R29McmoxaDBtelNWN085SUNScStLbDdCVmdocDB6aU5EQ0Jwc1dFS1I1TlNXZkR2V1ZJejF0TEpGb0ZwSzlhNkFIQVdSVkZRNjExYitwSHdpY04wN1FFPQ==
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c3BlbmRlcg==
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBpbmo=
  type: coin_spent
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
    value: aW5qMTd4cGZ2YWttMmFtZzk2MnlsczZmODR6M2tlbGw4YzVsNnM1eWU5
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBpbmo=
  type: coin_received
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjaXBpZW50
    value: aW5qMTd4cGZ2YWttMmFtZzk2MnlsczZmODR6M2tlbGw4YzVsNnM1eWU5
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBpbmo=
  type: transfer
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBpbmo=
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWN0aW9u
    value: L2Nvc213YXNtLndhc20udjEuTXNnU3RvcmVDb2Rl
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: bW9kdWxl
    value: d2FzbQ==
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: aW5qMTByZHN4ZGdyOGw4czBndnU4cnluaHUyMm5ueGtmeXRnNThjd204
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: Y29kZV9jaGVja3N1bQ==
  - index: true
    key: Y29kZV9pZA==
    value: MQ==
  type: store_code
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjZXNzX2NvbmZpZw==
    value: eyJwZXJtaXNzaW9uIjoiRXZlcnlib2R5IiwiYWRkcmVzcyI6IiIsImFkZHJlc3NlcyI6W119
  - index: true
    key: Y2hlY2tzdW0=
    value: Ilg0SUJ6MTR0Zm13VjJ4R3Q4RDFpM2QzSks0MVBycGpFODhIRGZ6ZU9GZGs9Ig==
  - index: true
    key: Y29kZV9pZA==
    value: IjEi
  - index: true
    key: Y3JlYXRvcg==
    value: ImluajEwcmRzeGRncjhsOHMwZ3Z1OHJ5bmh1MjJubnhrZnl0ZzU4Y3dtOCI=
  type: cosmwasm.wasm.v1.EventCodeStored
gas_used: "2158920"
gas_wanted: "20000000"
height: "47"
info: ""
- events:
  - attributes:
    - key: access_config
      value: '{"permission":"Everybody","address":"","addresses":[]}'
    - key: checksum
      value: '"X4IBz14tfmwV2xGt8D1i3d3JK41PrpjE88HDfzeOFdk="'
    - key: code_id
      value: '"1"'
    - key: creator
      value: '"inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8"'
    type: cosmwasm.wasm.v1.EventCodeStored
  - attributes:
    - key: action
      value: /cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgStoreCode
    - key: module
      value: wasm
    - key: sender
      value: inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8
    type: message
  - attributes:
    - key: code_checksum
      value: 5f8201cf5e2d7e6c15db11adf03d62ddddc92b8d4fae98c4f3c1c37f378e15d9
    - key: code_id
      value: "1"
    type: store_code
  log: ""
  msg_index: 0
raw_log: '[{"events":[{"type":"cosmwasm.wasm.v1.EventCodeStored","attributes":[{"key":"access_config","value":"{\"permission\":\"Everybody\",\"address\":\"\",\"addresses\":[]}"},{"key":"checksum","value":"\"X4IBz14tfmwV2xGt8D1i3d3JK41PrpjE88HDfzeOFdk=\""},{"key":"code_id","value":"\"1\""},{"key":"creator","value":"\"inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8\""}]},{"type":"message","attributes":[{"key":"action","value":"/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgStoreCode"},{"key":"module","value":"wasm"},{"key":"sender","value":"inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8"}]},{"type":"store_code","attributes":[{"key":"code_checksum","value":"5f8201cf5e2d7e6c15db11adf03d62ddddc92b8d4fae98c4f3c1c37f378e15d9"},{"key":"code_id","value":"1"}]}]}]'
timestamp: "2023-03-06T15:48:30Z"
  '@type': /cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx
      - amount: "10000000000000000"
        denom: inj
      gas_limit: "20000000"
      granter: ""
      payer: ""
    - mode_info:
          mode: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT
        '@type': /injective.crypto.v1beta1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey
        key: Ay+cc/lvd4Mn4pbgFkN87vWDaCXuXjVJYJGsdhrD09vk
      sequence: "1"
    extension_options: []
    memo: ""
    - '@type': /cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgStoreCode
      instantiate_permission: null
      sender: inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8
      wasm_byte_code: YOUR_WASM_BYTE_HERE
    non_critical_extension_options: []
    timeout_height: "0"
  - GoLrj1h0mzSV7O9ICRq+Kl7BVghp0ziNDCBpsWEKR5NSWfDvWVIz1tLJFoFpK9a6AHAWRVFQ611b+pHwicN07QE=
txhash: 4CFB63A47570C4CFBE8E669273B26BEF6EAFF922C07480CA42180C52219CE784

Inspecting the output more closely, we can see the code_id of 1 for the contract

- events:
  - attributes:
    - key: access_config
      value: '{"permission":"Everybody","address":"","addresses":[]}'
    - key: checksum
      value: '"X4IBz14tfmwV2xGt8D1i3d3JK41PrpjE88HDfzeOFdk="'
    - key: code_id
      value: '"1"'
    - key: creator
      value: '"inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8"'
    type: cosmwasm.wasm.v1.EventCodeStored
  - attributes:
    - key: action
      value: /cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgStoreCode
    - key: module
      value: wasm
    - key: sender
      value: inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8
    type: message
  - attributes:
    - key: code_checksum
      value: 5f8201cf5e2d7e6c15db11adf03d62ddddc92b8d4fae98c4f3c1c37f378e15d9
    - key: code_id
      value: "1"
    type: store_code
  log: ""
  msg_index: 0

We’ve uploaded the contract code, but we still need to instantiate the contract.

Instantiate the Contract

Before instantiating the contract, let's take a look at the CW-20 contract function signature for instantiate.

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn instantiate(
    mut deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    _info: MessageInfo,
    msg: InstantiateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {

Notably, it contains the InstantiateMsg parameter which contains the token name, symbol, decimals, and other details.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub name: String,
    pub symbol: String,
    pub decimals: u8,
    pub initial_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
    pub mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
    pub marketing: Option<InstantiateMarketingInfo>,

The first step of instantiating the contract is to select an address to supply with our initial CW20 token allocation. In our case, we can just use the genesis address since we have the keys already set up, but feel free to generate new addresses and keys.

Make sure you have the private keys for the address you choose—you won't be able to test token transfers from the address otherwise. In addition, the chosen address must be a valid address on the chain (the address must have received funds at some point in the past) and must have balances to pay for gas when executing the contract.

To find the genesis address, run:

yes 12345678 | injectived keys show genesis


- name: genesis
  type: local
  address: inj10cfy5e6qt2zy55q2w2ux2vuq862zcyf4fmfpj3
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/injective.crypto.v1beta1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"ArtVkg9feLXjD4p6XRtWxVpvJUDhrcqk/5XYLsQI4slb"}'
  mnemonic: ""

Run the CLI command with code_id 1 along with the JSON encoded initialization arguments (with your selected address) and a label (a human-readable name for this contract in lists) to instantiate the contract:

yes 12345678 | injectived tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID $INIT --label="Albcoin Token" --from=genesis --chain-id="injective-1" --yes --gas-prices=500000000inj --gas=20000000 --no-admin

Now the address of the instantiated contract can be obtained on http://localhost:10337/swagger/#/Query/ContractsByCode

And the contract info metadata can be obtained on http://localhost:10337/swagger/#/Query/ContractInfo or by CLI query

CONTRACT=$(injectived query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
injectived query wasm contract $CONTRACT


injectived query wasm contract $CONTRACT
address: inj14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujaxlnz
  admin: ""
  code_id: "1"
    block_height: "95"
    tx_index: "0"
  creator: inj10rdsxdgr8l8s0gvu8rynhu22nnxkfytg58cwm8
  extension: null
  ibc_port_id: ""
  label: Albcoin Token

Querying the contract

The entire contract state can be queried with:

injectived query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT


- key: 000762616C616E6365696E6A31306366793565367174327A793535713277327578327675713836327A63796634666D66706A33
  value: IjY5NDIwIg==
- key: 636F6E74726163745F696E666F
  value: eyJjb250cmFjdCI6ImNyYXRlcy5pbzpjdzIwLWJhc2UiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4wLjEifQ==
- key: 6D61726B6574696E675F696E666F
  value: eyJwcm9qZWN0IjpudWxsLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6bnVsbCwibG9nbyI6bnVsbCwibWFya2V0aW5nIjpudWxsfQ==
- key: 746F6B656E5F696E666F
  value: eyJuYW1lIjoiQWxiY29pbiIsInN5bWJvbCI6IkFMQiIsImRlY2ltYWxzIjo2LCJ0b3RhbF9zdXBwbHkiOiI2OTQyMCIsIm1pbnQiOnsibWludGVyIjoiaW5qMTBjZnk1ZTZxdDJ6eTU1cTJ3MnV4MnZ1cTg2MnpjeWY0Zm1mcGozIiwiY2FwIjpudWxsfX0=
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

The individual user’s token balance can also be queried with:

BALANCE_QUERY='{"balance": {"address": "inj10cfy5e6qt2zy55q2w2ux2vuq862zcyf4fmfpj3"}}'
injectived query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$BALANCE_QUERY" --output json



Transferring Tokens

yes 12345678 | injectived tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$TRANSFER" --from genesis --chain-id="injective-1" --yes --gas-prices=500000000inj --gas=20000000

Then confirm the balance transfer occurred successfully with:

# first address balance query
BALANCE_QUERY='{"balance": {"address": "inj10cfy5e6qt2zy55q2w2ux2vuq862zcyf4fmfpj3"}}'
injectived query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$BALANCE_QUERY" --output json



And confirm the recipient received the funds:

# recipient's address balance query
BALANCE_QUERY='{"balance": {"address": "inj1dzqd00lfd4y4qy2pxa0dsdwzfnmsu27hgttswz"}}'
injectived query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$BALANCE_QUERY" --output json



Testnet Development

Here are the main differences between a local and testnet development/deployment

  • You can use our Injective Testnet Faucet to get testnet funds to your address,

  • You can use the Injective Testnet Explorer to query your transactions and get more details,

  • When you are using injectived you have to specify the testnet rpc using the node flag --node=https://testnet.sentry.tm.injective.network:443

  • Instead of using injective-1 as a chainId you should use injective-888 i.e the chain-id flag should now be --chain-id="injective-888"

  • You can use the Injective Testnet Explorer to find information about the codeId of the uploaded smart contracts OR find your instantiated smart contract

You can read more on the injectived and how to use it to query/send transactions against testnet Using injectived.

Last updated