Create a MsgUpdateNamespace message with NamespaceDenom, and the new values for MintsPaused, BurnsPaused and SendsPaused.
Validate the MsgUpdateNamespace object.
Send the update namespace message.
Update Namespace Roles
Updating namespace roles allows modifying the roles and their permissions within a namespace.
message MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles {option(cosmos.msg.v1.signer)="sender";string sender =1 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"sender\"" ]; string namespace_denom = 2; // namespace denom to which this updates are applied repeated Role role_permissions = 3; // new role definitions or updated permissions for existing roles repeated AddressRoles address_roles = 4; // new addresses to add or new roles for existing addresses to// overwrite current roles}
Create a MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles message with the NamespaceDenom, the new RolePermissions and AddressRoles.
Validate the MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles object.
Send the update namespace roles message.
Revoke Namespace Roles
Revoking namespace roles removes certain roles from an address within a namespace.
message MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles {option(cosmos.msg.v1.signer)="sender";string sender =1 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"sender\"" ]; string namespace_denom = 2; // namespace denom to which this updates are applied repeated AddressRoles address_roles_to_revoke = 3; // {"address" => array of roles to revoke from this address}}
Create a MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles message with the NamespaceDenom and AddressRolesToRevoke.
message MsgUpdateParams {option(cosmos.msg.v1.signer)="authority";// authority is the address of the governance account.string authority =1 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString" ];// params defines the permissions parameters to update.//// NOTE: All parameters must be supplied.Params params =2 [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false ];}message Params {option(gogoproto.equal)=true;uint64 wasm_hook_query_max_gas =1;}