Convert addresses

Within this document, we'll outline some examples on how to convert addresses between different formats and derivation paths.

Convert Hex <> Bech32 address

As we've mentioned in the Wallet section, Injective addresses are compatible with Ethereum addresses. You can convert between the two formats easily.

Using TypeScript

You can easily convert between an Injective address and Ethereum address by using our utility functions in the @injectivelabs/sdk-ts package:

import { getInjectiveAddress, getEthereumAddress } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'

const injectiveAddress = 'inj1...'
const ethereumAddress = '0x..'

console.log('Injective address from Ethereum address => ', getInjectiveAddress(ethereumAddress))
console.log('Ethereum address from Injective address => ', getEthereumAddress(injectiveAddress))

Convert Cosmos address to Injective Address

As Injective has a different derivation path than the default Cosmos one, you need the publicKey of the account to convert a Cosmos publicAddress to Injective one.

Using TypeScript

import { config } from "dotenv";
import { ChainRestAuthApi, PublicKey } from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ts";


(async () => {
  const chainApi = new ChainRestAuthApi(

  const cosmosAddress = "cosmos1..";
  const account = await chainApi.fetchCosmosAccount(cosmosAddress);

  if (!account.pub_key?.key) {
    console.log("No public key found");

    PublicKey.fromBase64(account.pub_key.key || "")

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