A denom is how tokens are represented within the Bank module of Injective. These assets can be used for trading, creating new markets on the exchange module, participating in auctions, transferring to another address, etc.
One of the biggest pain points for developers and traders is getting the metadata of these denoms. This metadata includes decimals, symbol, name, etc.
This guide shows how to fetch denom metadata directly from the injective-lists repository and map it to your denom. You can also use this approach to map denoms's metadata for Spot and Derivative Markets.
Injective Lists
injective-lists is a public repository that holds metadata information for all tokens on Injective. It's the most up-to-date and reliable source of this particular information. You can submit your token information by creating a PR for this repo. Be sure to correctly specify the fields. In particular, "denom" field (read about token standards) should have respective ibc, peggy and factory prefixes depending on the token standard.
The metadata is fetched automatically for new denoms on chain every 30 minutes and the json files are regenerated.
Let's say you fetch the bank balance of a particular address (as shown on the example below using TypeScript), you can easily map it to the metadata information from the JSON files above