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This is a reference document for Peggy message types. For code reference and exact arguments see the proto definitions.

User messages

These are messages sent on the Injective Chain peggy module by the end user. See workflow for a more detailed summary of the entire deposit and withdraw process.


Sent to Injective whenever a user wishes to make a withdrawal back to Ethereum. Submitted amount is removed from the user's balance immediately. The withdrawal is added to the outgoing tx pool as a types.OutgoingTransferTx where it will remain until it is included in a batch.

type MsgSendToEth struct {
Sender string // sender's Injective address
EthDest string // receiver's Ethereum address
Amount types.Coin // amount of tokens to bridge
BridgeFee types.Coin // additional fee for bridge relayers. Must be of same token type as Amount


This message allows the user to cancel a specific withdrawal that is not yet batched. User balance is refunded (Amount + BridgeFee).

type MsgCancelSendToEth struct {
TransactionId uint64 // unique tx nonce of the withdrawal
Sender string // original sender of the withdrawal


This call allows anyone to submit evidence that a validator has signed a valset or batch that never existed. Subject contains the batch or valset.

type MsgSubmitBadSignatureEvidence struct {
Subject *types1.Any
Signature string
Sender string

Batch Creator Messages

These messages are sent by the Batch Creator subprocess of peggo


This message is sent whenever some Batch Creator finds pooled withdrawals that when batched would satisfy their minimum batch fee (PEGGO_MIN_BATCH_FEE_USD). After receiving this message the Peggy module collects all withdrawals of the requested token denom, creates a unique token batch (types.OutgoingTxBatch) and places it in the Outgoing Batch pool. Withdrawals that are batched cannot be cancelled with MsgCancelSendToEth.

type MsgRequestBatch struct {
Orchestrator string // orchestrator address interested in creating the batch. Not permissioned.
Denom string // the specific token whose withdrawals will be batched together

Oracle Messages

These messages are sent by the Oracle subprocess of peggo


Sent to Injective when a SendToInjectiveEvent is emitted from the Peggy contract. This occurs whenever a user is making an individual deposit from Ethereum to Injective.

type MsgDepositClaim struct {
EventNonce uint64 // unique nonce of the event
BlockHeight uint64 // Ethereum block height at which the event was emitted
TokenContract string // contract address of the ERC20 token
Amount sdkmath.Int // amount of deposited tokens
EthereumSender string // sender's Ethereum address
CosmosReceiver string // receiver's Injective address
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator which observed the event


Sent to Injective when a TransactionBatchExecutedEvent is emitted from the Peggy contract. This occurs when a Relayer has successfully called submitBatch on the contract to complete a batch of withdrawals.

type MsgWithdrawClaim struct {
EventNonce uint64 // unique nonce of the event
BlockHeight uint64 // Ethereum block height at which the event was emitted
BatchNonce uint64 // nonce of the batch executed on Ethereum
TokenContract string // contract address of the ERC20 token
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator which observed the event


Sent to Injective when a ValsetUpdatedEvent is emitted from the Peggy contract. This occurs when a Relayer has successfully called updateValset on the contract to update the Validator Set on Ethereum.

type MsgValsetUpdatedClaim struct {
EventNonce uint64 // unique nonce of the event
ValsetNonce uint64 // nonce of the valset
BlockHeight uint64 // Ethereum block height at which the event was emitted
Members []*BridgeValidator // members of the Validator Set
RewardAmount sdkmath.Int // Reward for relaying the valset update
RewardToken string // reward token contract address
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator which observed the event


Sent to Injective when a ERC20DeployedEvent is emitted from the Peggy contract. This occurs whenever the deployERC20 method is called on the contract to issue a new token asset eligible for bridging.

type MsgERC20DeployedClaim struct {
EventNonce uint64 // unique nonce of the event
BlockHeight uint64 // Ethereum block height at which the event was emitted
CosmosDenom string // denom of the token
TokenContract string // contract address of the token
Name string // name of the token
Symbol string // symbol of the token
Decimals uint64 // number of decimals the token has
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator which observed the event

Signer Messages

These messages are sent by the Signer subprocess of peggo


When Signer finds a batch that the Orchestrator (Validator) has not signed off, it constructs a signature with its Delegated Ethereum Key and sends the confirmation to Injective. It's crucial that a Validator eventually provides their confirmation for a created batch as they will be slashed otherwise.

type MsgConfirmBatch struct {
Nonce uint64 // nonce of the batch
TokenContract string // contract address of batch token
EthSigner string // Validator's delegated Ethereum address (previously registered)
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator confirming the batch
Signature string // Validator's signature of the batch


When Signer finds a valset update that the Orchestrator (Validator) has not signed off, it constructs a signature with its Delegated Ethereum Key and sends the confirmation to Injective. It's crucial that a Validator eventually provides their confirmation for a created valset update as they will be slashed otherwise.

type MsgValsetConfirm struct {
Nonce uint64 // nonce of the valset
Orchestrator string // address of the Orchestrator confirming the valset
EthAddress string // Validator's delegated Ethereum address (previously registered)
Signature string // Validator's signature of the valset

Relayer Messages

The Relayer does not send any message to Injective, rather it constructs Ethereum transactions with Injective data to update the Peggy contract via submitBatch and updateValset methods.

Validator Messages

These are messages sent directly using the validator's message key.


Sent to Injective by an Operator managing a Validator node. Before being able to start their Orchestrator (peggo) process, they must register a chosen Ethereum address to represent their Validator on Ethereum. Optionally, an additional Injective address can be provided (Orchestrator field) to represent that Validator in the bridging process (peggo). Defaults to Validator's own address if omitted.

type MsgSetOrchestratorAddresses struct {
Sender string // address of the Injective validator
Orchestrator string // optional Injective address to represent the Validator in the bridging process (Defaults to Sender if left empty)
EthAddress string // the Sender's (Validator) delegated Ethereum address

This message sets the Orchestrator's delegate keys.