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In this section we describe the processing of the exchange messages and the corresponding updates to the state. All created/modified state objects specified by each message are defined within the State Transitions section.


MsgDeposit defines a SDK message for transferring coins from the sender's bank balance into the subaccount's exchange deposits.

type MsgDeposit struct {
Sender string
// (Optional) bytes32 subaccount ID to deposit funds into. If empty, the coin will be deposited to the sender's default
// subaccount address.
SubaccountId string
Amount types.Coin

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the address who deposits.
  • SubaccountId describes the ID of a sub-account to receive a deposit.
  • Amount specifies the deposit amount.


MsgWithdraw defines a SDK message for withdrawing coins from a subaccount's deposits to the user's bank balance.

type MsgWithdraw struct {
Sender string
// bytes32 subaccount ID to withdraw funds from
SubaccountId string
Amount types.Coin

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the address to receive withdrawal.
  • SubaccountId describes the ID of a sub-account to withdraw from.
  • Amount specifies the withdrawal amount.


MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new spot market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

type MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch struct {
Sender string
Ticker string
BaseDenom string
QuoteDenom string
MinPriceTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinQuantityTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinNotional math.LegacyDec

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker describes the ticker for the spot market.
  • BaseDenom specifies the type of coin to use as the base currency.
  • QuoteDenom specifies the type of coin to use as the quote currency.
  • MinPriceTickSize defines the minimum tick size of the order's price.
  • MinQuantityTickSize defines the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.


MsgInstantPerpetualMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new perpetual futures market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

type MsgInstantPerpetualMarketLaunch struct {
Sender string
Ticker string
QuoteDenom string
OracleBase string
OracleQuote string
OracleScaleFactor uint32
OracleType types1.OracleType
MakerFeeRate math.LegacyDec
TakerFeeRate math.LegacyDec
InitialMarginRatio math.LegacyDec
MaintenanceMarginRatio math.LegacyDec
MinPriceTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinQuantityTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinNotional math.LegacyDec

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker field describes the ticker for the derivative market.
  • QuoteDenom field describes the type of coin to use as the base currency.
  • OracleBase field describes the oracle base currency.
  • OracleQuote field describes the oracle quote currency.
  • OracleScaleFactor field describes the scale factor for oracle prices.
  • OracleType field describes the oracle type.
  • MakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for makers on the derivative market.
  • TakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for takers on the derivative market.
  • InitialMarginRatio field describes the initial margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MaintenanceMarginRatio field describes the maintenance margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MinPriceTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's price and margin.
  • MinQuantityTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.


MsgInstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new expiry futures market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

type MsgInstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch struct {
Sender string
Ticker string
QuoteDenom string
OracleBase string
OracleQuote string
OracleType types1.OracleType
OracleScaleFactor uint32
Expiry int64
MakerFeeRate math.LegacyDec
TakerFeeRate math.LegacyDec
InitialMarginRatio math.LegacyDec
MaintenanceMarginRatio math.LegacyDec
MinPriceTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinQuantityTickSize math.LegacyDec
MinNotional math.LegacyDec

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker field describes the ticker for the derivative market.
  • QuoteDenom field describes the type of coin to use as the quote currency.
  • OracleBase field describes the oracle base currency.
  • OracleQuote field describes the oracle quote currency.
  • OracleScaleFactor field describes the scale factor for oracle prices.
  • OracleType field describes the oracle type.
  • Expiry field describes the expiration time of the market.
  • MakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for makers on the derivative market.
  • TakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for takers on the derivative market.
  • InitialMarginRatio field describes the initial margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MaintenanceMarginRatio field describes the maintenance margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MinPriceTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's price and margin.
  • MinQuantityTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.


MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder defines a SDK message for creating a new spot limit order.

type MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder struct {
Sender string
Order SpotOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.


MsgBatchCreateSpotLimitOrders defines a SDK message for creating a new batch of spot limit orders.

type MsgBatchCreateSpotLimitOrders struct {
Sender string
Orders []SpotOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Orders field describes the orders info.


MsgCreateSpotMarketOrder defines a SDK message for creating a new spot market order.

type MsgCreateSpotMarketOrder struct {
Sender string
Order SpotOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.


MsgCancelSpotOrder defines the message to cancel a spot order.

type MsgCancelSpotOrder struct {
Sender string
MarketId string
SubaccountId string
OrderHash string
Cid string

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • MarketId field describes the id of the market where the order is placed.
  • SubaccountId field describes the subaccount id that placed the order.
  • OrderHash field describes the hash of the order.


MsgBatchCancelSpotOrders defines the message to cancel the spot orders in batch.

type MsgBatchCancelSpotOrders struct {
Sender string
Data []OrderData

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Data field describes the orders to cancel.


MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder defines the message to create a derivative limit order.

type MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder struct {
Sender string
Order DerivativeOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.

Batch creation of derivative limit orders

MsgBatchCreateDerivativeLimitOrders describes the batch creation of derivative limit orders.

type MsgBatchCreateDerivativeLimitOrders struct {
Sender string
Orders []DerivativeOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Orders field describes the orders info.


MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder is a message to create a derivative market order.

// A Cosmos-SDK MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder
type MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder struct {
Sender string
Order DerivativeOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.


MsgCancelDerivativeOrder is a message to cancel a derivative order.

type MsgCancelDerivativeOrder struct {
Sender string
MarketId string
SubaccountId string
OrderHash string
OrderMask int32
Cid string

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • MarketId field describes the id of the market where the order is placed.
  • SubaccountId field describes the subaccount id that placed the order.
  • OrderHash field describes the hash of the order.


MsgBatchCancelDerivativeOrders is a message to cancel derivative orders in batch.

type MsgBatchCancelDerivativeOrders struct {
Sender string
Data []OrderData

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Data field describes the orders to cancel.


MsgSubaccountTransfer is a message to transfer balance between sub-accounts.

type MsgSubaccountTransfer struct {
Sender string
SourceSubaccountId string
DestinationSubaccountId string
Amount types.Coin

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send coins from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to send coins to.
  • Amount field describes the amount of coin to send.


MsgExternalTransfer is a message to transfer balance from one of source account to external sub-account.

type MsgExternalTransfer struct {
Sender string
SourceSubaccountId string
DestinationSubaccountId string
Amount types.Coin

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send coins from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to send coins to.
  • Amount field describes the amount of coin to send.


MsgLiquidatePosition describes a message to liquidate an account's position

type MsgLiquidatePosition struct {
Sender string
SubaccountId string
MarketId string
// optional order to provide for liquidation
Order *DerivativeOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SubaccountId field describes a subaccount to receive liquidation amount.
  • MarketId field describes a market where the position is in.
  • Order field describes the order info.


MsgIncreasePositionMargin describes a message to increase margin of an account.

// A Cosmos-SDK MsgIncreasePositionMargin
type MsgIncreasePositionMargin struct {
Sender string
SourceSubaccountId string
DestinationSubaccountId string
MarketId string
// amount defines the amount of margin to add to the position
Amount math.LegacyDec

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send balance from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to receive balance.
  • MarketId field describes a market where positions are in.
  • Amount field describes amount to increase.


MsgBatchUpdateOrders allows for the atomic cancellation and creation of spot and derivative limit orders, along with a new order cancellation mode. Upon execution, order cancellations (if any) occur first, followed by order creations (if any).

// A Cosmos-SDK MsgBatchUpdateOrders
// SubaccountId only used for the spot_market_ids_to_cancel_all and derivative_market_ids_to_cancel_all.
type MsgBatchUpdateOrders struct {
Sender string
SubaccountId string
SpotMarketIdsToCancelAll []string
DerivativeMarketIdsToCancelAll []string
SpotOrdersToCancel []OrderData
DerivativeOrdersToCancel []OrderData
SpotOrdersToCreate []SpotOrder
DerivativeOrdersToCreate []DerivativeOrder

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SubaccountId field describes the sender's sub-account ID.
  • SpotMarketIdsToCancelAll field describes a list of spot market IDs for which the sender wants to cancel all open orders.
  • DerivativeMarketIdsToCancelAll field describes a list of derivative market IDs for which the sender wants to cancel all open orders.
  • SpotOrdersToCancel field describes specific spot orders the sender wants to cancel.
  • DerivativeOrdersToCancel field describes specific derivative orders the sender wants to cancel.
  • SpotOrdersToCreate field describes spot orders the sender wants to create.
  • DerivativeOrdersToCreate field describes derivative orders the sender wants to create.