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The tokenfactory module emits the following events:

An EventCreateTFDenom is emitted upon MsgCreateDenom execution, which creates a new token factory denom.

message EventCreateTFDenom {
string account = 1;
string denom = 2;

An EventMintTFDenom is emitted upon MsgMint execution, which mints a new token factory denom for a recipient.

message EventMintTFDenom {
string recipient_address = 1;
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];

An EventBurnDenom is emitted upon MsgBurn execution, which burns a specified amount for any denom for a user.

message EventBurnDenom {
string burner_address = 1;
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];

An EventChangeTFAdmin is emitted upon MsgChangeAdmin execution, which changes the admin address for a new token factory denom.

message EventChangeTFAdmin {
string denom = 1;
string new_admin_address = 2;

An EventSetTFDenomMetadata is emitted upon MsgSetDenomMetadata execution, which sets the token factory denom metadata for a given token factory denom.

message EventSetTFDenomMetadata {
string denom = 1; metadata = 2[(gogoproto.nullable) = false];