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State Transitions

This document describes the state transition operations pertaining to:

  • Update params
  • Create namespace
  • Delete namespace
  • Update namespace
  • Update namespace roles
  • Revoke namespace roles
  • Claim Voucher

Create Namespace

Namespaces can be created for implementing different roles and actions.


  • Create a new denom
  • Create a MsgCreateNamespace message with Denom, RolePermissions and AddressRoles.
  • Validate the MsgCreateNamespace object.
  • Send the create namespace message.

Delete Namespace

Deleting a namespace removes it and its associated roles and permissions.


  • Create a MsgDeleteNamespace message with the namespace denom NamespaceDenom to be deleted.
  • Validate the MsgDeleteNamespace object.
  • Send the delete namespace message.

Update Namespace

Updating a namespace allows modifying its associated roles and permissions.


  • Create a MsgUpdateNamespace message with NamespaceDenom, and the new values for MintsPaused, BurnsPaused and SendsPaused.
  • Validate the MsgUpdateNamespace object.
  • Send the update namespace message.

Update Namespace Roles

Updating namespace roles allows modifying the roles and their permissions within a namespace.


  • Create a MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles message with the NamespaceDenom, the new RolePermissions and AddressRoles.
  • Validate the MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles object.
  • Send the update namespace roles message.

Revoke Namespace Roles

Revoking namespace roles removes certain roles from an address within a namespace.


  • Create a MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles message with the NamespaceDenom and AddressRolesToRevoke.
  • Validate the MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles object.
  • Send the revoke namespace roles message.