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MsgExec defines a method for executing a Cosmwasm contract from the exchange module with privileged capabilities.

type MsgExec struct {
Sender string
// bank_funds defines the user's coins used to fund the execution
BankFunds github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Coins
// deposits_subaccount_id defines the user's subaccountID to fund the execution
DepositsSubaccountId string
// deposit_funds defines the fund amounts to fund the execution
DepositFunds github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Coins
// contract_address defines the contract address to execute
ContractAddress string
// data defines the call data used when executing the contract
Data string

Fields description

  • Sender describes the creator of this msg.
  • BankFunds defines the user's coins used to fund the execution.
  • DepositsSubaccountId defines the user's subaccountID to fund the execution.
  • DepositFunds defines the contract address to execute.
  • ContractAddress defines the contract address to execute.
  • Data defines the call data used when executing the contract.