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Genesis state defines the initial state of the module to be used to setup the module.

// GenesisState defines the exchange module's genesis state.
type GenesisState struct {
// params defines all the parameters of related to exchange.
Params Params
// accounts is an array containing the genesis trade pairs
SpotMarkets []*SpotMarket
// accounts is an array containing the genesis derivative markets
DerivativeMarkets []*DerivativeMarket
// spot_orderbook defines the spot exchange limit orderbook active at genesis.
SpotOrderbook []SpotOrderBook
// derivative_orderbook defines the derivative exchange limit orderbook active at genesis.
DerivativeOrderbook []DerivativeOrderBook
// balances defines the exchange users balances active at genesis.
Balances []Balance
// positions defines the exchange derivative positions at genesis
Positions []DerivativePosition
// subaccount_trade_nonces defines the subaccount trade nonces for the subaccounts at genesis
SubaccountTradeNonces []SubaccountNonce
// expiry_futures_market_info defines the market info for the expiry futures markets at genesis
ExpiryFuturesMarketInfoState []ExpiryFuturesMarketInfoState
// perpetual_market_info defines the market info for the perpetual derivative markets at genesis
PerpetualMarketInfo []PerpetualMarketInfo
// perpetual_market_funding_state defines the funding state for the perpetual derivative markets at genesis
PerpetualMarketFundingState []PerpetualMarketFundingState
// derivative_market_settlement_scheduled defines the scheduled markets for settlement at genesis
DerivativeMarketSettlementScheduled []DerivativeMarketSettlementInfo
// sets spot markets as enabled
IsSpotExchangeEnabled bool
// sets derivative markets as enabled
IsDerivativesExchangeEnabled bool
// the current trading reward campaign info
TradingRewardCampaignInfo *TradingRewardCampaignInfo
// the current and upcoming trading reward campaign pools
TradingRewardPoolCampaignSchedule []*CampaignRewardPool
// the current and upcoming trading reward account points
TradingRewardCampaignAccountPoints []*TradingRewardCampaignAccountPoints
// the current and upcoming trading reward campaign pending pools
PendingTradingRewardPoolCampaignSchedule []*CampaignRewardPool
// the pending trading reward account points
PendingTradingRewardCampaignAccountPoints []*TradingRewardCampaignAccountPendingPoints
// the fee discount schedule
FeeDiscountSchedule *FeeDiscountSchedule
// the cached fee discount account tiers with TTL
FeeDiscountAccountTierTtl []*FeeDiscountAccountTierTTL
// the fee discount paid by accounts in all buckets
FeeDiscountBucketFeesPaidAccounts []*FeeDiscountBucketFeesPaidAccounts
// sets the first fee cycle as finished
IsFirstFeeCycleFinished bool


Params is a module-wide configuration that stores system parameters and defines overall functioning of the exchange module. This configuration is modifiable by governance using params update proposal natively supported by gov module.

It defines default fee objects to be used for spot and derivative markets and funding parameters for derivative markets and instant listing fees.

Protobuf interface for the exchange module params store.

type Params struct {
// spot_market_instant_listing_fee defines the expedited fee in INJ required to create a spot market by bypassing governance
SpotMarketInstantListingFee types.Coin
// derivative_market_instant_listing_fee defines the expedited fee in INJ required to create a derivative market by bypassing governance
DerivativeMarketInstantListingFee types.Coin
// default_spot_maker_fee defines the default exchange trade fee for makers on a spot market
DefaultSpotMakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// default_spot_taker_fee_rate defines the default exchange trade fee rate for takers on a new spot market
DefaultSpotTakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// default_derivative_maker_fee defines the default exchange trade fee for makers on a new derivative market
DefaultDerivativeMakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// default_derivative_taker_fee defines the default exchange trade fee for takers on a new derivative market
DefaultDerivativeTakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// default_initial_margin_ratio defines the default initial margin ratio on a new derivative market
DefaultInitialMarginRatio sdk.Dec
// default_maintenance_margin_ratio defines the default maintenance margin ratio on a new derivative market
DefaultMaintenanceMarginRatio sdk.Dec
// default_funding_interval defines the default funding interval on a derivative market
DefaultFundingInterval int64
// funding_multiple defines the timestamp multiple that the funding timestamp should be a multiple of
FundingMultiple int64
// relayer_fee_share_rate defines the trade fee share percentage that goes to relayers
RelayerFeeShareRate sdk.Dec
// default_hourly_funding_rate_cap defines the default maximum absolute value of the hourly funding rate
DefaultHourlyFundingRateCap sdk.Dec
// hourly_interest_rate defines the hourly interest rate
DefaultHourlyInterestRate sdk.Dec
// max_derivative_order_side_count defines the maximum number of derivative active orders a subaccount can have for a given orderbook side
MaxDerivativeOrderSideCount uint32
// inj_reward_staked_requirement_threshold defines the threshold on INJ rewards after which one also needs staked INJ to receive more
InjRewardStakedRequirementThreshold github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Int
// the trading_rewards_vesting_duration defines the vesting times for trading rewards
TradingRewardsVestingDuration int64


Balance is to manage balances of accounts. The module is storing the whole balance in the module account, while the balance of each account is managed just as a record.

The Balance object is stored by subaccount_id and denom.

message Balance {
SubaccountId string
Denom string
Deposits *Deposit

// An subaccount's deposit for a given base currency
type Deposit struct {
AvailableBalance sdk.Dec
TotalBalance sdk.Dec

type SubaccountDeposit {
SubaccountId []byte
Deposit *Deposit


SubaccountNonce is used to express unique order hashes.

type SubaccountNonce struct {
SubaccountId string
SubaccountTradeNonce SubaccountTradeNonce


There are a number of structures used to store the orders into the store.

type OrderInfo struct {
// bytes32 subaccount ID that created the order
SubaccountId string
// address fee_recipient address that will receive fees for the order
FeeRecipient string
// price of the order
Price sdk.Dec
// quantity of the order
Quantity sdk.Dec

type SubaccountOrderbookMetadata struct {
VanillaLimitOrderCount uint32
ReduceOnlyLimitOrderCount uint32
// AggregateReduceOnlyQuantity is the aggregate fillable quantity of the subaccount's reduce-only limit orders in the given direction.
AggregateReduceOnlyQuantity sdk.Dec
// AggregateVanillaQuantity is the aggregate fillable quantity of the subaccount's vanilla limit orders in the given direction.
AggregateVanillaQuantity sdk.Dec

type SubaccountOrder struct {
// price of the order
Price sdk.Dec
// the amount of the quantity remaining fillable
Quantity sdk.Dec
IsReduceOnly bool
Cid string

type MarketOrderIndicator struct {
// market_id represents the unique ID of the market
MarketId string
IsBuy bool


SpotMarket is the structure to store all the required information and state for a spot market. Spot markets are stored by hash of the market to query the market efficiently.

// An object describing trade pair of two assets.
type SpotMarket struct {
// A name of the pair in format AAA/BBB, where AAA is base asset, BBB is quote asset.
Ticker string
// Coin denom used for the base asset
BaseDenom string
// Coin used for the quote asset
QuoteDenom string
// maker_fee_rate defines the fee percentage makers pay when trading
MakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// taker_fee_rate defines the fee percentage takers pay when trading
TakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// relayer_fee_share_rate defines the percentage of the transaction fee shared with the relayer in a derivative market
RelayerFeeShareRate sdk.Dec
// Unique market ID.
MarketId string
// Status of the market
Status MarketStatus
// min_price_tick_size defines the minimum tick size that the price required for orders in the market
MinPriceTickSize sdk.Dec
// min_quantity_tick_size defines the minimum tick size of the quantity required for orders in the market
MinQuantityTickSize sdk.Dec


SpotOrderBook is a structure to store spot limit orders for a specific market. Two objects are created, one for buy orders and one for sell orders.

// Spot Exchange Limit Orderbook
type SpotOrderBook struct {
MarketId string
IsBuySide bool
Orders []*SpotLimitOrder

type SpotOrder struct {
// market_id represents the unique ID of the market
MarketId string
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
// order types
OrderType OrderType
// trigger_price is the trigger price used by stop/take orders
TriggerPrice *sdk.Dec

// A valid Spot limit order with Metadata.
type SpotLimitOrder struct {
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
// order types
OrderType OrderType
// the amount of the quantity remaining fillable
Fillable sdk.Dec
// trigger_price is the trigger price used by stop/take orders
TriggerPrice *sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte

// A valid Spot market order with Metadata.
type SpotMarketOrder struct {
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
BalanceHold sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte


DerivativeMarket is the structure to store all the required information and state for a derivative market. Derivative markets are stored by hash of the market to query the market efficiently.

// An object describing a derivative market in the Injective Futures Protocol.
type DerivativeMarket struct {
// Ticker for the derivative contract.
Ticker string
// Oracle base currency
OracleBase string
// Oracle quote currency
OracleQuote string
// Oracle type
OracleType types1.OracleType
// Scale factor for oracle prices.
OracleScaleFactor uint32
// Address of the quote currency denomination for the derivative contract
QuoteDenom string
// Unique market ID.
MarketId string
// initial_margin_ratio defines the initial margin ratio of a derivative market
InitialMarginRatio sdk.Dec
// maintenance_margin_ratio defines the maintenance margin ratio of a derivative market
MaintenanceMarginRatio sdk.Dec
// maker_fee_rate defines the maker fee rate of a derivative market
MakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// taker_fee_rate defines the taker fee rate of a derivative market
TakerFeeRate sdk.Dec
// relayer_fee_share_rate defines the percentage of the transaction fee shared with the relayer in a derivative market
RelayerFeeShareRate sdk.Dec
// true if the market is a perpetual market. false if the market is an expiry futures market
IsPerpetual bool
// Status of the market
Status MarketStatus
// min_price_tick_size defines the minimum tick size that the price and margin required for orders in the market
MinPriceTickSize sdk.Dec
// min_quantity_tick_size defines the minimum tick size of the quantity required for orders in the market
MinQuantityTickSize sdk.Dec


DerivativeOrderBook is a structure to store derivative limit orders for a specific market. Two objects are created, one for buy orders and one for sell orders.

// Spot Exchange Limit Orderbook
type DerivativeOrderBook struct {
MarketId string
IsBuySide bool
Orders []*DerivativeLimitOrder

type DerivativeOrder struct {
// market_id represents the unique ID of the market
MarketId string
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
// order types
OrderType OrderType
// margin is the margin used by the limit order
Margin sdk.Dec
// trigger_price is the trigger price used by stop/take orders
TriggerPrice *sdk.Dec

// A valid Derivative limit order with Metadata.
type DerivativeLimitOrder struct {
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
// order types
OrderType OrderType
// margin is the margin used by the limit order
Margin sdk.Dec
// the amount of the quantity remaining fillable
Fillable sdk.Dec
// trigger_price is the trigger price used by stop/take orders
TriggerPrice *sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte

// A valid Derivative market order with Metadata.
type DerivativeMarketOrder struct {
// order_info contains the information of the order
OrderInfo OrderInfo
// order types
OrderType OrderType
Margin sdk.Dec
MarginHold sdk.Dec
// trigger_price is the trigger price used by stop/take orders
TriggerPrice *sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte

type DerivativeMarketOrderCancel struct {
MarketOrder *DerivativeMarketOrder
CancelQuantity sdk.Dec


DerivativePosition is a structure to store derivative positions for a subaccount on a specific market.

Note: Derivative orders represent intent while positions represent possession.

type Position struct {
IsLong bool
Quantity sdk.Dec
EntryPrice sdk.Dec
Margin sdk.Dec
CumulativeFundingEntry sdk.Dec

type PositionDelta struct {
IsLong bool
ExecutionQuantity sdk.Dec
ExecutionMargin sdk.Dec
ExecutionPrice sdk.Dec

type DerivativePosition struct {
SubaccountId string
MarketId string
Position *Position

type SubaccountPosition struct {
Position *Position
SubaccountId []byte


ExpiryFuturesMarketInfo is a structure to keep the information of expiry futures market. It is stored by the id of the market.

type ExpiryFuturesMarketInfo struct {
// market ID.
MarketId string
// expiration_timestamp defines the expiration time for a time expiry futures market.
ExpirationTimestamp int64
// expiration_twap_start_timestamp defines the start time of the TWAP calculation window
TwapStartTimestamp int64
// expiration_twap_start_price_cumulative defines the cumulative price for the start of the TWAP window
ExpirationTwapStartPriceCumulative sdk.Dec
// settlement_price defines the settlement price for a time expiry futures market.
SettlementPrice sdk.Dec


PerpetualMarketInfo is a structure to keep the information of perpetual market.

type PerpetualMarketInfo struct {
// market ID.
MarketId string
// hourly_funding_rate_cap defines the maximum absolute value of the hourly funding rate
HourlyFundingRateCap sdk.Dec
// hourly_interest_rate defines the hourly interest rate
HourlyInterestRate sdk.Dec
// next_funding_timestamp defines the next funding timestamp in seconds of a perpetual market
NextFundingTimestamp int64
// funding_interval defines the next funding interval in seconds of a perpetual market.
FundingInterval int64


PerpetualMarketFunding is a structure to manage perpetual market fundings info.

type PerpetualMarketFunding struct {
// cumulative_funding defines the cumulative funding of a perpetual market.
CumulativeFunding sdk.Dec
// cumulative_price defines the cumulative price for the current hour up to the last timestamp
CumulativePrice sdk.Dec
LastTimestamp int64

Trading Rewards


CampaignRewardPool is a structure to be used for getting the upcoming trading reward pools.

type CampaignRewardPool struct {
StartTimestamp int64
// max_campaign_rewards are the maximum reward amounts to be disbursed at the end of the campaign
MaxCampaignRewards sdk.Coins


TradingRewardCampaignInfo is a structure to be used for getting the trading reward campaign info.

type TradingRewardCampaignInfo struct {
// number of seconds of the duration of each campaign
CampaignDurationSeconds int64
// the trading fee quote denoms which will be counted for the rewards
QuoteDenoms []string
// the optional boost info for markets
TradingRewardBoostInfo *TradingRewardCampaignBoostInfo
// the marketIDs which are disqualified from being rewarded
DisqualifiedMarketIds []string

type TradingRewardCampaignBoostInfo struct {
BoostedSpotMarketIds []string
SpotMarketMultipliers []PointsMultiplier
BoostedDerivativeMarketIds []string
DerivativeMarketMultipliers []PointsMultiplier

type PointsMultiplier struct {
MakerPointsMultiplier sdk.Dec
TakerPointsMultiplier sdk.Dec


FeeDiscountProposal is a structure to be used for proposing a new fee discount schedule and durations.

type FeeDiscountSchedule struct {
// the bucket count, e.g., 30
BucketCount uint64
// the bucket duration, e.g., 1 day
BucketDuration int64
// the trading fee quote denoms which will be counted for the fee paid contribution
QuoteDenoms []string
// the fee discount tiers
TierInfos []*FeeDiscountTierInfo
// the marketIDs which are disqualified from contributing to the fee paid amount
DisqualifiedMarketIds []string

type FeeDiscountTierInfo struct {
MakerDiscountRate sdk.Dec
TakerDiscountRate sdk.Dec
StakedAmount sdkmath.Int
FeePaidAmount sdk.Dec


DerivativeMarketSettlementInfo is a structure to be used for the scheduled markets for settlement.

type DerivativeMarketSettlementInfo struct {
// market ID.
MarketId string
// settlement_price defines the settlement price
SettlementPrice sdk.Dec
// starting_deficit defines starting deficit
StartingDeficit sdk.Dec


Trade logs are emitted in events to track the trading history.

type TradeLog struct {
Quantity sdk.Dec
Price sdk.Dec
// bytes32 subaccount ID that executed the trade
SubaccountId []byte
Fee sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte

type DerivativeTradeLog struct {
SubaccountId []byte
PositionDelta *PositionDelta
Payout sdk.Dec
Fee sdk.Dec
OrderHash []byte


Enums are used to describe the order types, execution types and market status.

enum OrderType {
UNSPECIFIED = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "UNSPECIFIED"];
BUY = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "BUY"];
SELL = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "SELL"];
STOP_BUY = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "STOP_BUY"];
STOP_SELL = 4 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "STOP_SELL"];
TAKE_BUY = 5 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "TAKE_BUY"];
TAKE_SELL = 6 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "TAKE_SELL"];
BUY_PO = 7 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "BUY_PO"];
SELL_PO = 8 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "SELL_PO"];
BUY_ATOMIC = 9 [ (gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "BUY_ATOMIC" ];
SELL_ATOMIC = 10 [ (gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "SELL_ATOMIC" ];

enum MarketStatus {
Unspecified = 0;
Active = 1;
Paused = 2;
Suspended = 3;
Demolished = 4;
Expired = 5;

enum ExecutionType {
UnspecifiedExecutionType = 0;
Market = 1;
LimitFill = 2;
LimitMatchRestingOrder = 3;
LimitMatchNewOrder = 4;