# State

# PriceState

PriceState is common type to manage cumulative price and latest price along with timestamp for all oracle types.

Copy message PriceState { string price = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Dec", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; string cumulative_price = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Dec", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; int64 timestamp = 3; }


  • Price represents the normalized decimal price
  • CumulativePrice represents the cumulative price for a given oracle price feed since the start of the oracle price feed's creation.
  • Timestamp represents the time at which the blocktime at which the price state was relayed.

Note that the CumulativePrice value follows the convention set by the Uniswap V2 Oracle (opens new window) and is used to allows modules to calculate Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) between 2 arbitrary block time intervals (t1, t2).

TWAP=CumulativePrice2CumulativePrice1Timestamp2Timestamp1\mathrm{TWAP = \frac{CumulativePrice_2 - CumulativePrice_1}{Timestamp_2 - Timestamp_1}}

# Band

Band price data for a given symbol are represented and stored as follows:

  • BandPriceState: 0x01 | []byte(symbol) -> ProtocolBuffer(BandPriceState)
Copy message BandPriceState { string symbol = 1; string rate = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Int", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; uint64 resolve_time = 3; uint64 request_ID = 4; PriceState price_state = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; }

Note that the Rate is the raw USD rate for the Symbol obtained from the Band chain which has is scaled by 1e9 (e.g. a price of 1.42 is 1420000000) while the PriceState has the normalized decimal price (e.g. 1.42).

Band relayers are stored by their address as follows.

  • BandRelayer: 0x02 | RelayerAddr -> []byte{}

# Band IBC

This section describes all the state management to maintain the price by connecting to Band chain via IBC.

  • LatestClientID is maintained to manage unique clientID for band IBC packets. It is increased by 1 when sending price request packet into bandchain.
  • LatestClientID: 0x32 -> Formated(LatestClientID)
  • LatestRequestID is maintained to manage unique BandIBCOracleRequests. Incremented by 1 when creating a new BandIBCOracleRequest.
  • LatestRequestID: 0x36 -> Formated(LatestRequestID)
  • Band IBC price data for a given symbol is stored as follows:
  • BandPriceState: 0x31 | []byte(symbol) -> ProtocolBuffer(BandPriceState)
Copy message BandPriceState { string symbol = 1; string rate = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Int", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; uint64 resolve_time = 3; uint64 request_ID = 4; PriceState price_state = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; }
  • BandIBCCallDataRecord is stored as follows when sending price request packet into bandchain:
  • CalldataRecord: 0x33 | []byte(ClientId) -> ProtocolBuffer(CalldataRecord)
Copy message CalldataRecord { uint64 client_id = 1; bytes calldata = 2; }
  • BandIBCOracleRequest is stored as follows when the governance configure oracle requests to send:
  • BandOracleRequest: 0x34 | []byte(RequestId) -> ProtocolBuffer(BandOracleRequest)
Copy message BandOracleRequest { // Unique Identifier for band ibc oracle request uint64 request_id = 1; // OracleScriptID is the unique identifier of the oracle script to be executed. int64 oracle_script_id = 2; // Symbols is the list of symbols to prepare in the calldata repeated string symbols = 3; // AskCount is the number of validators that are requested to respond to this // oracle request. Higher value means more security, at a higher gas cost. uint64 ask_count = 4; // MinCount is the minimum number of validators necessary for the request to // proceed to the execution phase. Higher value means more security, at the // cost of liveness. uint64 min_count = 5; // FeeLimit is the maximum tokens that will be paid to all data source providers. repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin fee_limit = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.castrepeated) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Coins"]; // PrepareGas is amount of gas to pay to prepare raw requests uint64 prepare_gas = 7; // ExecuteGas is amount of gas to reserve for executing uint64 execute_gas = 8; }
  • BandIBCParams is stored as follows and configured by governance:
  • BandIBCParams: 0x35 -> ProtocolBuffer(BandIBCParams)

BandIBCParams contains the information for IBC connection with band chain.

Copy message BandIBCParams { // true if Band IBC should be enabled bool band_ibc_enabled = 1; // block request interval to send Band IBC prices int64 ibc_request_interval = 2; // band IBC source channel string ibc_source_channel = 3; // band IBC version string ibc_version = 4; // band IBC portID string ibc_port_id = 5; }


  1. BandIbcEnabled describes the status of band ibc connection
  2. IbcSourceChannel, IbcVersion, IbcPortId are common parameters required for IBC connection.
  3. IbcRequestInterval describes the automatic price fetch request interval that is automatically triggered on injective chain on beginblocker.

# Coinbase

Coinbase price data for a given symbol ("key") are represented and stored as follows:

  • CoinbasePriceState: 0x21 | []byte(key) -> CoinbasePriceState
Copy message CoinbasePriceState { // kind should always be "prices" string kind = 1; // timestamp of the when the price was signed by coinbase uint64 timestamp = 2; // the symbol of the price, e.g. BTC string key = 3; // the value of the price scaled by 1e6 uint64 value = 4; // the price state PriceState price_state = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; }

More details about the Coinbase price oracle can be found in the Coinbase API docs (opens new window) as well as this explanatory blog post (opens new window).

Note that the Value is the raw USD price data obtained from Coinbase which has is scaled by 1e6 (e.g. a price of 1.42 is 1420000) while the PriceState has the normalized decimal price (e.g. 1.42).

# Pricefeed

Pricefeed price data for a given base quote pair are represented and stored as follows:

  • PriceFeedInfo: 0x11 + Keccak256Hash(base + quote) -> PriceFeedInfo
Copy message PriceFeedInfo { string base = 1; string quote = 2; }
  • PriceFeedPriceState: 0x12 + Keccak256Hash(base + quote) -> PriceFeedPriceState
Copy message PriceFeedState { string base = 1; string quote = 2; PriceState price_state = 3; repeated string relayers = 4; }
  • PriceFeedRelayer: 0x13 + Keccak256Hash(base + quote) + relayerAddr -> relayerAddr

# Provider