# Messages

In this section we describe the processing of the exchange messages and the corresponding updates to the state. All created/modified state objects specified by each message are defined within the state section.

# Msg/Deposit

MsgDeposit defines a SDK message for transferring coins from the sender's bank balance into the subaccount's exchange deposits.

Copy type MsgDeposit struct { Sender string // (Optional) bytes32 subaccount ID to deposit funds into. If empty, the coin will be deposited to the sender's default // subaccount address. SubaccountId string Amount types.Coin }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the address who deposits.
  • SubaccountId describes the ID of a sub-account to receive a deposit.
  • Amount specifies the deposit amount.

# Msg/Withdraw

MsgWithdraw defines a SDK message for withdrawing coins from a subaccount's deposits to the user's bank balance.

Copy type MsgWithdraw struct { Sender string // bytes32 subaccount ID to withdraw funds from SubaccountId string Amount types.Coin }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the address to receive withdrawal.
  • SubaccountId describes the ID of a sub-account to withdraw from.
  • Amount specifies the withdrawal amount.

# Msg/InstantSpotMarketLaunch

MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new spot market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

Copy type MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch struct { Sender string Ticker string BaseDenom string QuoteDenom string MinPriceTickSize sdk.Dec MinQuantityTickSize sdk.Dec }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker describes the ticker for the spot market.
  • BaseDenom specifies the type of coin to use as the base currency.
  • QuoteDenom specifies the type of coin to use as the quote currency.
  • MinPriceTickSize defines the minimum tick size of the order's price.
  • MinQuantityTickSize defines the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.

# Msg/InstantPerpetualMarketLaunch

MsgInstantPerpetualMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new perpetual futures market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

Copy type MsgInstantPerpetualMarketLaunch struct { Sender string Ticker string QuoteDenom string OracleBase string OracleQuote string OracleScaleFactor uint32 OracleType types1.OracleType MakerFeeRate sdk.Dec TakerFeeRate sdk.Dec InitialMarginRatio sdk.Dec MaintenanceMarginRatio sdk.Dec MinPriceTickSize sdk.Dec MinQuantityTickSize sdk.Dec }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker field describes the ticker for the derivative market.
  • QuoteDenom field describes the type of coin to use as the base currency.
  • OracleBase field describes the oracle base currency.
  • OracleQuote field describes the oracle quote currency.
  • OracleScaleFactor field describes the scale factor for oracle prices.
  • OracleType field describes the oracle type.
  • MakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for makers on the derivative market.
  • TakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for takers on the derivative market.
  • InitialMarginRatio field describes the initial margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MaintenanceMarginRatio field describes the maintenance margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MinPriceTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's price and margin.
  • MinQuantityTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.

# Msg/InstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch

MsgInstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch defines a SDK message for creating a new expiry futures market by paying listing fee without governance. The fee is sent to the community spend pool.

Copy type MsgInstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch struct { Sender string Ticker string QuoteDenom string OracleBase string OracleQuote string OracleType types1.OracleType OracleScaleFactor uint32 Expiry int64 MakerFeeRate sdk.Dec TakerFeeRate sdk.Dec InitialMarginRatio sdk.Dec MaintenanceMarginRatio sdk.Dec MinPriceTickSize sdk.Dec MinQuantityTickSize sdk.Dec }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Ticker field describes the ticker for the derivative market.
  • QuoteDenom field describes the type of coin to use as the quote currency.
  • OracleBase field describes the oracle base currency.
  • OracleQuote field describes the oracle quote currency.
  • OracleScaleFactor field describes the scale factor for oracle prices.
  • OracleType field describes the oracle type.
  • Expiry field describes the expiration time of the market.
  • MakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for makers on the derivative market.
  • TakerFeeRate field describes the trade fee rate for takers on the derivative market.
  • InitialMarginRatio field describes the initial margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MaintenanceMarginRatio field describes the maintenance margin ratio for the derivative market.
  • MinPriceTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's price and margin.
  • MinQuantityTickSize field describes the minimum tick size of the order's quantity.

# Msg/CreateSpotLimitOrder

MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder defines a SDK message for creating a new spot limit order.

Copy type MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder struct { Sender string Order SpotOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.

# Msg/BatchCreateSpotLimitOrders

MsgBatchCreateSpotLimitOrders defines a SDK message for creating a new batch of spot limit orders.

Copy type MsgBatchCreateSpotLimitOrders struct { Sender string Orders []SpotOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Orders field describes the orders info.

# Msg/CreateSpotMarketOrder

MsgCreateSpotMarketOrder defines a SDK message for creating a new spot market order.

Copy type MsgCreateSpotMarketOrder struct { Sender string Order SpotOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.

# Msg/CancelSpotOrder

MsgCancelSpotOrder defines the message to cancel a spot order.

Copy type MsgCancelSpotOrder struct { Sender string MarketId string SubaccountId string OrderHash string }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • MarketId field describes the id of the market where the order is placed.
  • SubaccountId field describes the subaccount id that placed the order.
  • OrderHash field describes the hash of the order.

# Msg/BatchCancelSpotOrders

MsgBatchCancelSpotOrders defines the message to cancel the spot orders in batch.

Copy type MsgBatchCancelSpotOrders struct { Sender string Data []OrderData }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Data field describes the orders to cancel.

# Msg/CreateDerivativeLimitOrder

MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder defines the message to create a derivative limit order.

Copy type MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder struct { Sender string Order DerivativeOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.

# Batch creation of derivative limit orders

MsgBatchCreateDerivativeLimitOrders describes the batch creation of derivative limit orders.

Copy type MsgBatchCreateDerivativeLimitOrders struct { Sender string Orders []DerivativeOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Orders field describes the orders info.

# Msg/CreateDerivativeMarketOrder

MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder is a message to create a derivative market order.

Copy // A Cosmos-SDK MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder type MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder struct { Sender string Order DerivativeOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Order field describes the order info.

# Msg/CancelDerivativeOrder

MsgCancelDerivativeOrder is a message to cancel a derivative order.

Copy type MsgCancelDerivativeOrder struct { Sender string MarketId string SubaccountId string OrderHash string }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • MarketId field describes the id of the market where the order is placed.
  • SubaccountId field describes the subaccount id that placed the order.
  • OrderHash field describes the hash of the order.

# Msg/BatchCancelDerivativeOrders

MsgBatchCancelDerivativeOrders is a message to cancel derivative orders in batch.

Copy type MsgBatchCancelDerivativeOrders struct { Sender string Data []OrderData }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • Data field describes the orders to cancel.

# Msg/SubaccountTransfer

MsgSubaccountTransfer is a message to transfer balance between sub-accounts.

Copy type MsgSubaccountTransfer struct { Sender string SourceSubaccountId string DestinationSubaccountId string Amount types.Coin }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send coins from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to send coins to.
  • Amount field describes the amount of coin to send.

# Msg/ExternalTransfer

MsgExternalTransfer is a message to transfer balance from one of source account to external sub-account.

Copy type MsgExternalTransfer struct { Sender string SourceSubaccountId string DestinationSubaccountId string Amount types.Coin }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send coins from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to send coins to.
  • Amount field describes the amount of coin to send.

# Msg/LiquidatePosition

MsgLiquidatePosition describes a message to liquidate an account's position

Copy type MsgLiquidatePosition struct { Sender string SubaccountId string MarketId string // optional order to provide for liquidation Order *DerivativeOrder }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SubaccountId field describes a subaccount to receive liquidation amount.
  • MarketId field describes a market where the position is in.
  • Order field describes the order info.

# Msg/IncreasePositionMargin

MsgIncreasePositionMargin describes a message to increase margin of an account.

Copy // A Cosmos-SDK MsgIncreasePositionMargin type MsgIncreasePositionMargin struct { Sender string SourceSubaccountId string DestinationSubaccountId string MarketId string // amount defines the amount of margin to add to the position Amount sdk.Dec }

Fields description

  • Sender field describes the creator of this msg.
  • SourceSubaccountId field describes a source subaccount to send balance from.
  • DestinationSubaccountId field describes a destination subaccount to receive balance.
  • MarketId field describes a market where positions are in.
  • Amount field describes amount to increase.