# State Transitions

This document describes the state transition operations pertaining to:

  • Deposit into exchange module account
  • Withdraw from exchange module account
  • Instant spot market launch
  • Instant perpetual market launch
  • Instant expiry futures market launch
  • Spot limit order creation
  • Batch creation of spot limit orders
  • Spot market order creation
  • Cancel spot order
  • Batch cancellation of spot order
  • Derivative limit order creation
  • Batch derivative limit order creation
  • Derivative market order creation
  • Cancel derivative order
  • Batch cancellation of derivative orders
  • Transfer between subaccounts
  • Transfer to external account
  • Liquidating a position
  • Increasing position margin
  • Spot market param update proposal
  • Exchange enable proposal
  • Spot market launch proposal
  • Perpetual market launch proposal
  • Expiry futures market launch proposal
  • Derivative market param update proposal
  • Begin-blocker
  • End-blocker

# Deposit into exchange module account

Deposit action is carried out by MsgDeposit which consists of Sender, SubaccountId and Amount fields.

Note: SubaccountId is optional and if it's not available, it's calculated dynamically from Sender address.


  • Check that the denom specified in msg.Amount is a valid denom which exists in bank supply
  • Send coins from individual account to exchange module account and if fail, just revert
  • Get hash type of subaccountID from msg.SubaccountId, if it's zero subaccount, calculate dynamically from msg.Sender by using SdkAddressToSubaccountID
  • Increment deposit amount for the subaccountID by msg.Amount
  • Emit event for EventSubaccountDeposit with msg.Sender, subaccountID and msg.Amount

# Withdraw from exchange module account

Withdraw action is carried out by MsgWithdraw which consists of Sender, SubaccountId and Amount fields.

Note: The ownership of msg.SubaccountId by msg.Sender is validated on msg.ValidateBasic function.


  • Get hash type of subaccountID from msg.SubaccountId
  • Check the denom specified in msg.Amount is a valid denom which exists in bank supply
  • Decrement withdraw amount from subaccountID by msg.Amount, if fail, revert
  • Send coins from exchange module to msg.Sender
  • Emit event for EventSubaccountWithdraw with subaccountID, msg.Sender, and msg.Amount

# Instant spot market launch

Instant spot market launch action is carried out by MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch which consists of Sender, Ticker, BaseDenom, QuoteDenom, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • Calculate marketID from msg.BaseDenom and msg.QuoteDenom
  • Check if same market launch proposal exists by marketID and revert if already exists
  • Launch spot market with msg.Ticker, msg.BaseDenom, msg.QuoteDenom, msg.MinPriceTickSize, msg.MinQuantityTickSize and revert if fail
  • Send instant listing fee(params.SpotMarketInstantListingFee) from msg.Sender to exchange module account
  • The instant listing fee is sent to the community spend pool

Note: shouldn't we burn this from the exchange module rather than keeping it?

# Instant perpetual market launch

Instant perpetual market launch action is carried out by MsgInstantPerpetualMarketLaunch which consists of Sender, Ticker, QuoteDenom, OracleBase, OracleQuote, OracleScaleFactor, OracleType, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • Calculate marketID from msg.Ticker, msg.QuoteDenom, msg.OracleBase, msg.OracleQuote and msg.OracleType.
  • Check if same market launch proposal exists by marketID and revert if already exists
  • Send instant listing fee(params.DerivativeMarketInstantListingFee) from msg.Sender to exchange module account
  • Launch perpetual market with required params on msg object and revert if fail
  • The instant listing fee is sent to the community spend pool

Note: shouldn't we burn this from the exchange module rather than keeping it?

# Instant expiry futures market launch

Instant expiry futures market launch action is carried out by MsgInstantExpiryFuturesMarketLaunch which consists of Sender, Ticker, QuoteDenom, OracleBase, OracleQuote, OracleScaleFactor, OracleType, Expiry, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • Calculate marketID from msg.Ticker, msg.QuoteDenom, msg.OracleBase, msg.OracleQuote, msg.OracleType and msg.Expiry.
  • Check if same market launch proposal exists by marketID and revert if already exists
  • Send instant listing fee(params.DerivativeMarketInstantListingFee) from msg.Sender to exchange module account
  • Launch expiry futures market with required params on msg object and revert if fail
  • Trigger EventExpiryFuturesMarketUpdate event with market info
  • The instant listing fee is sent to the community spend pool

Note: shouldn't we burn this from the exchange module rather than keeping it?

# Spot limit order creation

Spot limit order creation is carried out by MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder which consists of Sender and Order.


  • Check spot exchange is enabled to make an order on spot market and if not revert
  • Reject if spot market id does not reference an active spot market
  • Check order's price and quantity tick sizes fits market's min quantity and price tick size
  • Increment subaccount's TradeNonce
  • Calculate unique order hash with TradeNonce
  • Reject if the subaccount's available deposits does not have at least the required funds for the trade
  • Decrement the available balance by the funds amount needed to fund the order
  • Store the order in the transient limit order store and transient market indicator store

Note: The order in transient store is executed on endblocker or if not, put on long-live store.

# Batch creation of spot limit orders

Batch creation of spot limit orders is carried out by MsgBatchCreateSpotLimitOrders which consists of Sender and Orders.


  • Loop over the msg.Orders and create spot limit order as in MsgCreateSpotLimitOrder

# Spot market order creation

Spot market order creation is carried out by MsgCreateSpotMarketOrder which consists of Sender and Order.


  • Check spot exchange is enabled to make an order on spot market and if not revert
  • Reject if spot market id does not reference an active spot market
  • Check order's price and quantity tick sizes fits market's min quantity and price tick size
  • Increment Subaccount's TradeNonce
  • Calculate unique order hash with TradeNonce
  • Check available balance to fund the market order
  • Calculate the worst acceptable price for the market order
  • Decrement deposit's AvailableBalance by the balance hold
  • Store the order in the transient spot market order store and transient market indicator store

# Cancel spot order

Spot order cancellation is carried out by MsgCancelSpotOrder which consists of Sender and MarketId, SubaccountId and OrderHash.


  • Check spot exchange is enabled to execute the action and if not revert
  • Reject if spot market id does not reference an active, suspended or demolished spot market
  • Check spot limit order exists by marketID, subaccountID and orderHash
  • Add back the margin hold to available balance
  • Increment the available balance margin hold
  • Delete the order state from ordersStore and ordersIndexStore
  • Emit EventCancelSpotOrder event with marketID and order info

# Batch cancellation of spot orders

Batch cancellation of spot orders is carried out by MsgBatchCancelSpotOrders which consists of Sender and Data.


  • Loop over the msg.Data and cancel spot order as in MsgCancelSpotOrder

# Derivative limit order creation

Derivative limit order creation is carried out by MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder which consists of Sender and Order.


  • Check derivative exchange is enabled to make an order on derivative market and if not revert
  • Reject if market order is already placed on the market by subaccountID (Note: Can't the market order and limit order core exist?)
  • Get derivative market and markPrice by marketID
  • Get orderbook metadata for specified marketID and subaccountID
  • Validate the order with msg.Order, market, metadata, markPrice by passing into ensureValidLimitOrder
  • Note: What is validated here?
  • Store the order in the transient limit order store and transient market indicator store
  • Ensure limit order is valid:
    • Market config (market id and tick sizes)
    • Subaccount trade nonce
    • Subaccount max order count
    • If reduce-only order:
      • Position with valid quantity and opposite direction exists
      • If order would result in other reduce-only orders becoming stale, reject it
    • If limit order:
      • Enough subaccount deposits for margin hold
      • If order is in opposite direction of existing position and results in other reduce-only orders becoming stale, cancel the stale reduce-only orders

# Batch creation of derivative limit orders

Batch creation of derivative limit orders is carried out by MsgBatchCreateDerivativeLimitOrders which consists of Sender and Orders.


  • Loop over the msg.Orders and create derivative limit order as in MsgCreateDerivativeLimitOrder

# Derivative market order creation

Derivative market order creation is carried out by MsgCreateDerivativeMarketOrder which consists of Sender and Order.


  • Check derivative exchange is enabled to make an order on derivative market and if not revert
  • Check if SubaccountID that is going to make new order has limit derivative order or market order and reject. Note: Perpetual market can't place two market orders or both limit / market orders at the same time?
  • Reject if derivative market id does not reference an active derivative market
  • Check order's price and quantity tick sizes fits market's min quantity and price tick size
  • Increment Subaccount's TradeNonce
  • Calculate unique order hash with TradeNonce
  • Check that the market order worst price reaches the best opposing resting orderbook price
  • Check Order/Position Margin amount
    1. If it's reduce only order
  • A. Check if position for subaccountID on the market is not nil
  • B. Check that the order can close the position
  • C. Reject if position.quantity - AggregateReduceOnlyQuantity - order.quantity < 0
  • D. Set MarginHold as zero for no margin hold for selling positions
    1. If it's not reduce only order
  • A. Check available balance to fund the market order
  • B. Reject if the subaccount's available deposits does not have at least the required funds for the trade
  • C. Decrement deposit's AvailableBalance by the balance hold
  • For an opposing position, if AggregateVanillaQuantity > position.quantity - AggregateReduceOnlyQuantity - order.FillableQuantity, the new reduce-only order might invalidate some existing reduce-only orders or itself be invalid, and do operations for that.
  • Store the order in the transient derivative market order store and transient market indicator store

# Cancel derivative order

Derivative order cancellation is carried out by MsgCancelDerivativeOrder which consists of Sender, MarketId, SubaccountId and OrderHash.


  • Check derivative exchange is enabled to execute the operation and if not revert
  • Reject if derivative market id does not reference an active derivative market
  • Check resting derivative limit order exists by marketID, subaccountID and orderHash
  • Add back the margin hold to available balance
  • Skip cancelling limit orders if their type shouldn't be cancelled
  • Delete the order state from ordersStore, ordersIndexStore and subaccountOrderStore
  • Update orderbook metadata for subaccount
  • Emit EventCancelDerivativeOrder event with marketID and order info

# Batch cancellation of derivative orders

Batch cancellation of derivative orders is carried out by MsgBatchCancelDerivativeOrders which consists of Sender and Data.


  • Loop over the msg.Data and cancel spot order as in MsgCancelDerivativeOrder

# Transfer between subaccounts

Transfer between subaccounts is executed by MsgSubaccountTransfer which consists of Sender, SourceSubaccountId, DestinationSubaccountId and Amount.


  • Withdraw deposit from msg.SourceSubaccountId for msg.Amount, if fail revert transaction
  • Increment deposit of msg.DestinationSubaccountId by msg.Amount
  • Emit event for EventSubaccountBalanceTransfer with SrcSubaccountId, DstSubaccountId and msg.Amount

Note: With subaccount transfer, no need to transfer actual coins from bank module but changing the records are enough.

# Transfer to external account

Transfer to external account is executed by MsgExternalTransfer which consists of Sender, SourceSubaccountId, DestinationSubaccountId and Amount.


  • Withdraw deposit from msg.SourceSubaccountId for msg.Amount, if fail revert transaction
  • Increment deposit of msg.DestinationSubaccountId by msg.Amount
  • Emit event for EventSubaccountBalanceTransfer with SrcSubaccountId, DstSubaccountId and msg.Amount

Note: With subaccount transfer, no need to transfer actual coins from bank module but changing the records are enough.

  1. Event should be different for subaccount transfer and external transfer.
  2. There's no difference in subaccount transfer and external transfer, still need to keep different messages?

# Liquidating a position

Liquidating a position is executed by MsgLiquidatePosition which consists of Sender, SubaccountId, MarketId and Order.


  • Check derivative exchange is enabled to liquidate a position on derivative market and if not revert
  • Reject if derivative market id does not reference an active derivative market
  • Get derivative market and markPrice by marketID
  • Get position for marketID and subaccountID
  • Calculate liquidationPrice and bankruptcyPrice from the position info
  • Determine vaporize or liquidate and if not all of them, revert
  • Cancel all reduce-only limit orders created by the position holder in the given market
  • Apply funding and update position
  • Cancel all market orders created by the position holder in the given market
  • Check and increment Subaccount Nonce, Compute Order Hash
  • Calculate liquidationOrder hash
  • Set the liquidation order into the storage
  • Execute liquidation by matching position and liquidation order
  • Handle differently based on the payout is positive or negative (insurance fund is involved here in calculation)
    • Positive Payout:
      1. Send half of the payout to liquidator (incentive for running liquidator bots)
      2. Send the other half to the insurance fund (incentive for participating in insurance funds)
    • Negative Payout - Four levels of escalation to retrieve the funds:
      1. From trader's available balance
      2. From trader's locked balance by cancelling his vanilla limit orders
      3. From the insurance fund
      4. Not enough funds available. Pause the market and add markets to the storage to be settled in next block, see BeginBlocker specs.
  • If market is a perpetual market, upgrade VWAP data based on liquidation price and quantity
  • If there's remaining in liquidation order, return back remains by cancelling order

# Increasing position margin

Increasing position margin is executed by MsgIncreasePositionMargin which consists of Sender, SourceSubaccountId, DestinationSubaccountId, MarketId and Amount.


  • Check derivative exchange is enabled to increase position margin on derivative market and if not revert
  • Reject if derivative market id does not reference an active derivative market
  • Get deposit of sourceSubaccountID
  • If deposit.AvailableBalance is lower than msg.Amount, revert
  • Get position by marketID and destinationSubaccountID and if not exist, revert
  • Reduce deposit amount of sourceSubaccountID by msg.Amount
  • Increase position margin by msg.Amount and update position in the store

# Exchange enable proposal

The enable of market type is done by ExchangeEnableProposal which consists of Title, Description and ExchangeType.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • If p.ExchangeType is spot market, enable spot exchange
  • If p.ExchangeType is derivative market, enable derivative market

# Spot market launch proposal

Launch of spot market is handled by SpotMarketLaunchProposal which consists of Title, Description, Ticker, BaseDenom, QuoteDenom, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • Validate BaseDenom and QuoteDenom are valid
  • Validate if same market does not exist by msg.BaseDenom and msg.QuoteDenom
  • Calculate RelayerFeeShareRate based on exchange module params. Note: for INJ currency, relayer share rate is set to 100%
  • Save spot market with calculated ticker, baseDenom, quoteDenom, exchangeParams.DefaultSpotMakerFeeRate, exchangeParams.DefaultSpotTakerFeeRate, relayerFeeShareRate, minPriceTickSize, minQuantityTickSize, marketID, and MarketStatus_Active.

# Perpetual market launch proposal

Perpetual market launch is handled by PerpetualMarketLaunchProposal which consists of Title, Description, Ticker, QuoteDenom, OracleBase, OracleQuote, OracleScaleFactor, OracleType, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • Validate quoteDenom.
  • Calculate marketID from ticker, quoteDenom, oracleBase, oracleQuote, oracleType
  • Validate active or inactive perpetual market for marketID does not exist
  • Try getting derivative market price to check price oracle by oracleBase, oracleQuote, oracleScaleFactor, oracleType
  • Validate insurance fund exist for marketID
  • Calculate defaultFundingInterval, nextFundingTimestamp, relayerFeeShareRate from exchange module params
  • Execute SetDerivativeMarketWithInfo to set market info into the storage with market, marketInfo and funding objects

# Expiry futures market launch proposal

Expiry futures market launch is handled by ExpiryFuturesMarketLaunchProposal which consists of Title, Description, Ticker, QuoteDenom, OracleBase, OracleQuote, OracleScaleFactor, OracleType, Expiry, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MinPriceTickSize and MinQuantityTickSize fields.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • Validate quoteDenom
  • Calculate marketID from p.Ticker, p.QuoteDenom, p.OracleBase, p.OracleQuote, p.OracleType and p.Expiry
  • Validate active or inactive expiry futures market for marketID does not exist
  • If expiry time passed ctx.BlockTime() already, revert
  • Try getting derivative market price to check price oracle by oracleBase, oracleQuote, oracleScaleFactor, oracleType
  • Validate insurance fund exist for marketID
  • Calculate RelayerFeeShareRate based on exchange module params. Note: for INJ currency, relayer share rate is set to 100%
  • Execute SetDerivativeMarketWithInfo to set market info into the storage with market, marketInfo objects Note: TwapStartTimestamp is set to expiry - thirtyMinutesInSeconds.

# Spot market param update proposal

The update of spot market param is handled by SpotMarketParamUpdateProposal which consists of Title, Description, MarketId, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, RelayerFeeShareRate, MinPriceTickSize, MinQuantityTickSize and Status.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • Get spot market by p.MarketId and if not exist, revert
  • Reset the params for MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, RelayerFeeShareRate, MinPriceTickSize, MinQuantityTickSize and Status if not empty, if empty keep as it is.
  • Validate MakerFeeRate is bigger than TakerFeeRate.

# Derivative market param update proposal

Derivative market param update is handled by DerivativeMarketParamUpdateProposal which consists of Title, Description, MarketId, InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, RelayerFeeShareRate, MinPriceTickSize, MinQuantityTickSize and Status.


  • ValidateBasic for proposal
  • Validate Derivative market exists by p.MarketId and if not exist, revert
  • Reset the params for InitialMarginRatio, MaintenanceMarginRatio, MakerFeeRate, TakerFeeRate, RelayerFeeShareRate, MinPriceTickSize, MinQuantityTickSize and Status if not empty, if empty keep as it is.
  • Validate MakerFeeRate is bigger than TakerFeeRate.
  • Validate InitialMarginRatio is bigger than MaintenanceMarginRatio.
  • Schedule Derivative market param update and update finalization on Endblocker - Note: this is due to the orders update for derivative market param update - should make sure nothing panics here.

# BeginBlocker

The exchange BeginBlocker runs at the start of every block in our defined order as the last module.

# 1. Process Hourly Fundings

  1. Check the first to receive funding payments market. If the first market is not yet due to receive fundings (funding timestamp not reached), skip all fundings.
  2. Otherwise go through each market one by one:
    1. Skip market if funding timestamp is not yet reached.
    2. Compute funding as twap + hourlyInterestRate where twap=cumulativePricetimeInterval24\mathrm{twap = \frac{cumulativePrice}{timeInterval * 24}} with timeInterval=lastTimestampstartingTimestamp\mathrm{timeInterval = lastTimestamp - startingTimestamp}. The cumulativePrice is previously calculated with every trade as the time weighted difference between VWAP and mark price: VWAPmarkPricemarkPricetimeElapsed\mathrm{\frac{VWAP - markPrice}{markPrice} * timeElapsed}.
    3. Cap funding if required to the maximum defined by HourlyFundingRateCap.
    4. Set next funding timestamp.
    5. Emit EventPerpetualMarketFundingUpdate.

# 2. Process Markets Scheduled to Settle

For each market in the list of markets to settle:

  1. Settle market with zero closing fee and current mark price.
    1. Run socialized loss. This will calculate the total amount of funds missing in all of the market and then reduce the payout proportionally for each profitable position. For example a market with a total amount of 100 USDT missing funds and 10 profitable positions with identical quantity would result in a payout reduction of 10 USDT for each of the positions.
    2. All positions are forcibly closed.
  2. Delete from storage.

# 3. Process Matured Expiry Future Markets

For each time expiry market, iterate through starting with first to expire:

  1. If market is premature, stop iteration.
  2. If market is disabled, delete market from storage and go to next market.
  3. Get cumulative price for the market from oracle.
  4. If market is starting maturation, store startingCumulativePrice for market.
  5. If market is matured, calculate the settlement price as twap=(currentCumulativePricestartingCumulativePrice)/twapWindow\mathrm{twap = (currentCumulativePrice - startingCumulativePrice) / twapWindow} and add to list of markets to be settled.
  6. Settle all matured markets with defined closing fee and settlement price. The procedure is identical to the previous process of settling (see above). Note that the socialized loss is an optional step. In the regular case a market will not require any socialized loss.
  7. Delete any settled markets from storage.

# 4. Process Liquidity Mining Rewards

  1. Check if the current liquidity campaign is finished. The campaign ending period is set to be identical with the auction period's ending time.
  2. If the campaign is finished, distribute reward tokens to eligible traders.
  3. Compute the available reward for each reward denom as min(campaignRewardTokens, communityPoolRewardTokens)
  4. Get the trader rewards based on the trading share from the respective trader calculated as accountPoints * totalReward / totalLiquidityMiningRewards.
  5. Send reward tokens from community pool to trader.
  6. Reset total and all account liquidity mining points.
  7. Relaunch the liquidity mining campaign, either by rolling over the current campaign or with a new one, if a new upcoming campaign exists.

# EndBlocker

The exchange EndBlocker runs at the end of every block in our defined order after governance and staking modules, and before the peggy, auction and insurance modules. It is particularly important that the governance module endblocker runs before the exchange module's.

  • Stage 1: Process all market orders in parallel - spot market and derivative market orders

    • Markets orders are executed against the resting orderbook at the time of the beginning of the block.
    • Note that market orders may be invalidated in the EndBlocker due to subsequently incoming oracle updates or limit order cancels.
  • Stage 2: Persist market order execution to store

    • Spot Markets
      • Persist Spot market order execution data
      • Emit relevant events
        • EventBatchSpotExecution
    • Derivative Markets
      • Persist Derivative market order execution data
      • Emit relevant events
        • EventBatchDerivativeExecution
        • EventCancelDerivativeOrder
  • Stage 3: Process all limit orders in parallel - spot and derivative limit orders that are matching

    • Limit orders are executed in a frequent batch auction mode to ensure fair matching prices.
    • Note that vanilla limit orders may be invalidated in the EndBlocker due to subsequently incoming oracle updates and reduce-only limit orders may be invalidated in the EndBlocker due to subsequently incoming orders which flip a position.
  • Stage 4: Persist limit order matching execution + new limit orders to store

    • Spot Markets
      • Persist Spot Matching execution data
      • Emit relevant events
        • EventNewSpotOrders
        • EventBatchSpotExecution
    • Derivative Markets
      • Persist Derivative Matching execution data
      • Emit relevant events
        • EventNewDerivativeOrders
        • EventBatchDerivativeExecution
        • EventCancelDerivativeOrder
  • Stage 5: Update perpetual market funding info

  • Stage 6: Process Spot Market Param Updates if any

  • Stage 7: Process Derivative Market Param Updates if any

  • Stage 8: Emit Deposit and Position Update Events