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Contributing to the Burn Auction Pool

Every week, 60% of the accumulated trading fees transform into a pool of assets that's up for auction.

Members of the Injective community can participate in these auctions. Here's how it happens:

  • Members place their bids on the asset basket using INJ.
  • Once the auction concludes, the highest bid wins the assets.
  • This winning bid is not re-circulated. Instead, it's burned, ensuring the value of INJ is maintained.

Beyond the fees, there's another way the auction pool can grow: direct contributions from community members. If you wish to boost the auction pool, you can directly send funds to the Auction subaccount.


If you're ready to contribute, send funds to this subaccount:


Be aware that any funds you send will be reflected in the next auction, not the current one.

Contributions should be directed to the subaccount. For this purpose, you'll employ the MsgExternalTransfer.

For a more practical view:

  • Dive into the Injective Python SDK example) to get a comprehensive understanding.

  • Alternatively, refer to the following simplified code snippet for a streamlined approach.

import asyncio
import logging

from pyinjective.composer import Composer as ProtoMsgComposer
from pyinjective.async_client import AsyncClient
from pyinjective.transaction import Transaction
from pyinjective.constant import Network
from pyinjective.wallet import PrivateKey

async def main() -> None:
# select network: local, testnet, mainnet
network = Network.mainnet()
composer = ProtoMsgComposer(network=network.string())

# initialize grpc client
# client = AsyncClient(network, insecure=False)
client = AsyncClient(network, insecure=True)

await client.sync_timeout_height()

# load account
priv_key = PrivateKey.from_hex("Your PK")
pub_key = priv_key.to_public_key()

address = pub_key.to_address()
account = await client.get_account(address.to_acc_bech32())
print(f" pubkey {address.to_acc_bech32()}")
subaccount_id = address.get_subaccount_id(index=1)
dest_subaccount_id = "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"

# prepare tx msg
msg = composer.MsgExternalTransfer(

tx = (

# build tx
gas_price = 500000000
gas_limit = 90000 + 20000 # add 20k for gas, fee computation
gas_fee = '{:.18f}'.format((gas_price * gas_limit) / pow(10, 18)).rstrip('0')
fee = [composer.Coin(
amount=gas_price * gas_limit,
tx = tx.with_gas(gas_limit).with_fee(fee).with_memo('').with_timeout_height(client.timeout_height)
sign_doc = tx.get_sign_doc(pub_key)
sig = priv_key.sign(sign_doc.SerializeToString())
tx_raw_bytes = tx.get_tx_data(sig, pub_key)

# broadcast tx: send_tx_async_mode, send_tx_sync_mode, send_tx_block_mode
res = await client.send_tx_sync_mode(tx_raw_bytes)
print("gas wanted: {}".format(gas_limit))
print("gas fee: {} INJ".format(gas_fee))

if __name__ == "__main__":