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Governance Proposals

Governance Proposals


ContractRegistrationRequest is a base message for registering new contracts (shouldn't be used directly but as a part of proposal)

type ContractRegistrationRequest struct {
ContractAddress string
GasLimit uint64
GasPrice uint64
PinContract bool
AllowUpdating bool
CodeId uint64
ContractAdmin string
GranterAddress string
FundMode FundingMode

Fields description

  • ContractAddress - unique Identifier for contract instance to be registered.
  • GasLimit - Maximum gas to be used for the smart contract execution.
  • GasPrice - Gas price to be used for the smart contract execution.
  • PinContract - should contract be pinned.
  • AllowUpdating- defines wether contract owner can migrate it without need to register again (if false only current code_id will be allowed to be executed)
  • CodeId - code_id of the contract being registered - will be verified on execution to allow last minute change (after votes were cast)
  • AdminAddress - optional address of admin account (that will be allowed to pause or update contract params)
  • GranterAddress - address of an account which granted funds for execution. Must be set if FundMode is other than SelfFunded (see below for an explanation)

FundingMode indicates how the contract will fund its own execution.

enum FundingMode {
Unspecified = 0;
SelfFunded = 1;
GrantOnly = 2;
Dual = 3;
  • SelfFunded - contract will use its own funds to execute.
  • GrantOnly - contract wil only use funds provided by the grant.
  • Dual - contract will first deplete grant's funds before using its own.


ContractRegistrationRequestProposal defines an SDK message to register a single contract in wasmx contract registry.

type ContractRegistrationRequestProposal struct {
Title string
Description string
ContractRegistrationRequest ContractRegistrationRequest

Fields description

  • Title describes the title of the proposal.
  • Description describes the description of the proposal.
  • ContractRegistrationRequest contains contract registration request (as described above)


BatchContractRegistrationRequestProposal defines an SDK message to register a batch of contracts in wasmx contract registry.

type BatchContractRegistrationRequestProposal struct {
Title string
Description string
ContractRegistrationRequests []ContractRegistrationRequest

Fields description

  • Title describes the title of the proposal.
  • Description describes the description of the proposal.
  • ContractRegistrationRequests contains a list of contracts registration requests (as described above)


BatchStoreCodeProposal defines an SDK message to store a batch of contracts in wasm.

type BatchStoreCodeProposal struct {
Title string
Description string
Proposals []types.StoreCodeProposal

Fields description

  • Title describes the title of the proposal.
  • Description describes the description of the proposal.
  • Proposals contains a list of store code proposals (as defined by Cosmos wasm module)


BatchContractDeregistrationProposal defines an SDK message to deregister a batch of contracts in wasm.

type BatchContractDeregistrationProposal struct {
Title string
Description string
Contracts []string

Fields description

  • Title describes the title of the proposal.
  • Description describes the description of the proposal.
  • Contracts contains a list of addresses of contracts to be deregistered